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Barack Obama On China. Say It Ain't So . . . .Oh But It Is.(2)

时间:2011-08-03 04:19来源: 作者:admin 点击:
Marvin's 2nd World: puts it all into a near Haiku: Does he have any idea of how this would hurt Americans? Does he have any idea of how many American businesses would be closed by this?Does he have a

Marvin's 2nd World: puts it all into a near Haiku:

Does he have any idea of how this would hurt Americans? Does he have any idea of how many American businesses would be closed by this? Does he have any idea of how many Americans would become unemployed by this?

He has no clue.

International Economic Law and Policy Blog refuses to believe Mr. Obama even meant it.

Chris Carr over at the Cal Poly MBA blog deserves credit for borrowing from a great Talking Heads song to note how Obama's pandering is the "same as it ever was."

Mr. Obama, cut out the xenophobia. Quit it with the pandering.

You may actually be President of the US some day and words like this will haunt you and us.

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Tony -

Well, I say Obama is both clueless and pandering. But then I never got Obamamania.

I will say that not even China can compete with the low prices I paid for my better quality European kids stuff (like my German Kettler tricycle, which really is nicer than the made-in-China stuff, including Radio Flyer). But my solution doesn't scale - it's getting it used off Craigslist.

Puzzle -

I think Sen. Obama is in collusion with some Chinese local officials. He is making toy quality job one so that the local officials have an excuse to tighten their grip on manufacturers so that they will have to pay more to these officials to get their products "approved".

Jason -

Since the dawn of time, candidates running for President have used the China issue to get votes. Why anyone thinks it would be different this year is beyond me. The funny thing about China is that it unites the most conservative and the most liberal of the American electorate: the Neo-Conservatives crazies on the right and the Protectionist nutcases on the left. As everyone knows, the way you win primaries--and general elections for that matter--is to appeal to your base and to the voters most likely to vote: those with strong views. A more interesting phenomenon is to look at what happens AFTER candidates enter office. From Carter to Reagan to Bush to Clinton and back to Bush, Presidents rediscover the center or you could say put their campaign persona in the closet for three years and get serious about governing the nation as a WHOLE. What has resulted is a moderate, generally pro-China policy for 25 some odd years.

Welcome to election year politics.

nanheyangrouchuan -

"Well, I say Obama is both clueless and pandering. But then I never got Obamamania."

Typical propaganda from foreign chambers of commerce and the general expat community.

Such a ban would force outsourcers to relocate to other countries. Prices would go up, then come back down but not to their China levels. But hey, Americans need to save more anyways.

I say bring the ban! No one really cares what happens to the China expat community anyways.

"From Carter to Reagan to Bush to Clinton and back to Bush, Presidents rediscover the center or you could say put their campaign persona in the closet for three years and get serious about governing the nation as a WHOLE. What has resulted is a moderate, generally pro-China policy for 25 some odd years."

And what causes that result is K Street, not national security or economic security realism.

Duncan -

I'm with Jason, US presidential candidates have an almost 100% record for vehemently anti-China positions during the campaign, coupled with a 100% moderate China policy after election. Colour me cynical but relieved.

Obama has had a history of coming out with some very weird economic policy statements, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't still be happy to see him in office.

Derek -

Obama has it right. Ban Chinese-made toys. Not only that, we should boycott all Chinese-made goods until China stops abusing human rights. A large portion of those Chinese made toys you're fond of are made w/ prison labor. The rest are made in factories where workers toil 80 hours a week on $2/day. Only economic sanctions will force the Communist Party to change its backward & tyrannical ways. Send a message to Beijing. You want global attention & good will? Stop abusing your own people!

Pffefer -

Jason hit the nail on the head, bingo! China, the No.3 enemy (after Iran and North Korea) as far as the intelligent and rational (hehe) American people are concerned, has been the convenient scapegoat for years. Bashing China will win votes, you know it, I know it, everybody knows it.

Following this logic, I suggest Derek go work for the candidate that you like and take your agenda even further and present the following to the American people: Let's stop trading with China, let's stop dealing with China, let's boycott China and everything Chinese; let's cut off diplomatic relations with China and kick the Chinese ambassador out of the glorious US of A. Better yet, let's invade China and perform a regime-change and install a pro-American government in Beijing. :-) We are only trying to help the poor Chinese people.

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