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Barack Obama On China. Say It Ain't So . . . .Oh But It Is.(4)

时间:2011-08-03 04:19来源: 作者:admin 点击:
Wal-Mart has full time employees that depend upon the U.S. government for food stamps. Why should American taxpayers pay the lack of employee salaries while recording record history profits? It's the

Wal-Mart has full time employees that depend upon the U.S. government for food stamps. Why should American taxpayers pay the lack of employee salaries while recording record history profits?

It's the same with Exxon, as they charge American more, but record the highest earnings in all their history.

It's time for a RED REVOLUTION now...

Chuznan -

Is that saysing American's child life is more valuble/expensive than china's ? Americans, you can either choose not to use any cheaper, made in China toys, or keep the mouth shut up and help China's Manufacture to raise the safty standad, which protects all the Children in the world. Of course, the first choice donot make any affacts on China's growth. However, compares to the low quality toys of China, the "low quality" of Barack Obama is more worrisome to all mankind!!!

biff -

Why all "Chinese" toys? Why not all Chinese products? This arbitrary line drawing just shows how stupid he is, and frankly how stupid the American voters are.

Diane -

How refreshing to hear someone finally not afraid to take on the Communist Government of China.

How about producing some toys here right in the US of A?
Right on Qbama!!!!

Kali -

Hmmm....lets see. Tainted toys, tainted pet food, tainted chocolate. I support his decision and would be everyone on this blog a round of drinks if it should happen. If we could only be so lucky.

spike -

People on here noting how black-and-white Obama's comments are know what they're talking about- we couldn't just ban imports of any kind from China at this point, especially while they hold over over $600 billion in dollar assets.

On the other hand, China just banned all food imports from Italy following the Mozzarella/Dioxine issue: why isn't there a similar uproar over this ludicrous over reaction? Italy has one of the highest food hygiene standards in the world, and we know about the dioxine problem because they cared enough to investigate. Many travellers in China get sick simply from eating food prepared in poor hygienic conditions.

Why is ok for China to "protect" its citizens in this way, but when the western nations do it, it's imperialist? Why are they still not sanctioned by the WTO after only paying lip-service to their little counterfeit problem that's hollowing out artisanal european sectors? Why are they similarly not sanctioned for subsidizing their factories in a way that would be considered illegal were it to happen anywhere else?

Sure, Obama oversimplified the problem, but we have to stop pretending that this is a healthy relationship, and good for him for having the guts to speak out on this. Did I miss McCain's big roll-out on China policy? Is McCain even aware that Mao's been dead for 32 years? I'm not so sure.

Nathan -

Here is an interesting article about Obama’s plan to have China revalue the yuan:


rjjrdq -

A few tainted toys? What planet are you on? The products coming from China (not just toys)are a dangerous international disgrace. You have one of the toughest-if not impossible jobs in the world: defending China...

jupiter -

China is lending money to USA and subsidising its goods for US consumers who will keep on buying cheap, poor quality and dangerous Chinese goods till China owns the whole of USA and the future of all Americans.As far as American corporations sending money earned in China owned back to USA is concerned....If this was the case, how did China end up holding a fifth of US debt ? Greedy US corporate bosses like their wall St counterparts have taken a short term view since their bonuses are linked to immediate results.And just like the implosion of Wall st this will lead to implosion of whatever manufacturing prowess is left of the USA.Today China openly threatens to sell US treasuries if USA takes any economic action against it which means US will only fall deeper into the chinese debt trap.

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