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Barack Obama On China. Say It Ain't So . . . .Oh But It Is.(3)

时间:2011-08-03 04:19来源: 作者:admin 点击:
I guarantee that the candidate that says the above will be the next president. :-) Whitney - I think Obama's statement, while obviously controversial, is valid. I am all for free trade and China bein

I guarantee that the candidate that says the above will be the next president. :-)

Whitney -

I think Obama's statement, while obviously controversial, is valid. I am all for free trade and China being the world's factory, but if the Chinese are going to specialize in producing my country's toys, I damn well want them to be forced to follow safety regulations and testing that my government agrees to. Why should I accept unilateral assurances by the Chinese government that their imports are safe?

Obama is not for outright banning Chinese toy imports; he is for making Chinese factories create products that meet our standards and he is willing to hit them where it hurts (their wallet) to make it happen.

I admire Obama for standing up against the status quo of big businesses controlling politics whether I agree 100% agree with what he has to say or not.

Brad Kenney -

Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, this whole issue (deadly toys) has hit too close to home for too many Americans, and now has become too big of an issue to ignore. I think a lot of the overreaction we're seeing has to do with an undercurrent of serious economic anxiety on the part of U.S. citizens who are (also unfortunately) feeling a little extra xenophobia due to years of the economy being horribly mismanaged by our "first MBA president".

However, no one who actually deals with the logistics of China sourcing really thinks that every toy in every shipping container can be inspected -- Obama trying to force the issue in this way might be inadvisable, but the waves of recall after recall have made it unignorable as well (and in dire need of an enforceable solution one way or the other).

I'm still for him, 100%, even if I don't agree with him 100% (I'd be scared if I did, since I don't even agree with MYSELF 100% of the time).

Obama in '08!

Red Rabbit -

Why did Barack Obama call for a BAN on Chinese toy imports into the United States?

Should it be such a bad thing to have Barack Obama call for a complete ban on all toys from China until their safety can be determined?

Especially, since China's toy manufactures have already proven unsafe for children, containing excessive amounts of lead poisoning, whom these toys will certainly target children and every Chinese employee making them!

If China didn't produce unsafe children toys, there would be NO need to worry about safety. The FACTS have proven China needs to improve the safety of their products, rather than have more legal attorneys such as above drag this issue out in hopes of more legislation for profits.

I'm sure you wouldn't want your children exposed to lead poisoning, so they would not become mentally retard for life, right?

I don't know about you, but seeing how the above attorneys comments completely miss the point and would choose to babble more on this very important concern for our children's safety issues, is really no different then them blood sucking politicians all claiming to be doing us a favor...

What attorney's will heal our children from China's poorly development that allows excessive lead poisoning to be used on children's toys?

Better yet, what attorney's will protect the Chinese employees who are mostly young adults just starting out in life to be subjected to these unsafe working conditions that harm both the individual and society?

Of course, the answer to the above is always about where the money flows...

Nobody in China needs to hunt to find exploited Chinese working as cheap labor, but by all means complain and blame about someone willing to stand up, to care, to insure these unsafe, unhealthy and damaging practices to society are reformed.

It's just business as usual.

But for many children harmed by China's unsafe excessive lead poisoning, whom are not mentally retarded for life, are you going to financially support them, insure their happiness in life and provide them the support they require?

Sure, it is so easy to attorney's to just twist words around, but children right now are being harmed by China's toys...

And it's NOT just toys here that needs only to be addressed.

Consider China's human rights, economic development and rise.

At whose expense will China's rise come?

Lawyers and attorneys are like corporations, as they both operate outside the law, being in that neither take responsibility for their actions...

Why should corporations be without responsibility? Because lawyers and attorneys created this and then do nothing about it.

Everyone in China or the U.S. knows of many examples where corporations have harmed society, have stolen taxpayers money and polluted the environment without a single person going to jail, as the rule of law states a corporation is only a made up individual...

Ever take a ghost to court? But the rest of us cheap labor Chinese employees pay the price of no voice, no representation, and suffer so a few greedy and corrupt can exploit for greater profits...

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