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Comments: Job fears grip voters, Obama ratings crumble(2)

时间:2011-08-28 07:15来源: 作者:admin 点击:
Obama is a cowardly tool. Democrats are idiots, Republicans are evil, and Americans? Well, were just plain screwed. Aug 24, 20101:40pm EDT-- Saturn2000 wrote: I do not see any difference between the

Obama is a cowardly tool. Democrats are idiots, Republicans are evil, and Americans? Well, we’re just plain screwed.

Aug 24, 2010 1:40pm EDT  --  

Saturn2000 wrote:

I do not see any difference between the Republican shepherd and the Democrat shepherd. Just my sheepish opinion. Baaaaaah…. baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah…

Aug 24, 2010 1:46pm EDT  --  

PrincipeReale wrote:

What is going on, the guy is the worst president ever and still 45% of folks can’t see through this phoney.

Aug 24, 2010 2:04pm EDT  --  

Silkster wrote:

We need another George Washington…

Aug 24, 2010 2:26pm EDT  --  

123456951 wrote:

People are generally fed up with both parties, and I do not really think a lot of people care much about polls anymore. Placing the Republicans back into power will not make a bit of difference. Both parties are equally responsible for the present situation.

Aug 24, 2010 2:26pm EDT  --  

alejandro81 wrote:

The US dollar`s role as the international currency is a double edged sword. On one side it has allowed us to over leverage ourselves on cheap debt. On the otherside, it keeps the dollar overvalued and many emerging market currencies undervalued, making our economy less competitive on the world stage.

Aug 24, 2010 2:27pm EDT  --  

giveitthought wrote:


Aug 24, 2010 2:31pm EDT  --  

Tical wrote:

PrincipeReale: Thank God we didn’t vote for McCain and Palin, right? The 45% may even drop to 15%. That still will not mean that the Repulicans have a better plan for moving this country forward.

Aug 24, 2010 2:38pm EDT  --  

jp.savage wrote:

All of them need to get on the same page a stop the bickering .Congress/senate get over your selfs get to work you got jobs to do and the only thing thats important is take care of are people !

Aug 24, 2010 2:43pm EDT  --  

BHOlied wrote:

Check out this article and you will find out why so many people still support Obama.


White support went from 62 to 38%.
Black support was 88, and surprise, still 88! Hmmm…
Hispanic support was 74, now 54.

That black support sure is unwavering. What do they see that whites and hispanics cannot see? Hmmm…

Aug 24, 2010 2:52pm EDT  --  

Oblama wrote:

The MSM is purposely hiding bad poll numbers, or they are posting “Ipsos” polls at us. How about Gallup? One of the oldest, most accurate polling firm out there.
They poll hundred’s of respondents daily and Obama was at 51% approval, 52% disapproval. Not one of the major Media covered this story or mentioned these numbers. Obama continues to malinger in the mid-to-low 40’s and falling. He’ll be in the 30’s by November, although the MSM will never tell.

Aug 24, 2010 2:52pm EDT  --  

BHOlied wrote:

“Thirty-six percent said Republicans were to blame for political gridlock in Washington because of fighting between the parties, while 28 percent said it was the Democrats’ fault”

This is INSANE. Dems controlled Congress and the White house and yet people still believed that Republican’s were obstructionist. Until Scott Brown, not one single Repub vote was needed.

Not ONE. Amazing isn’t it?

Aug 24, 2010 2:54pm EDT  --  

dogofdestiny wrote:

STOP the war. Withdraw from Afghanistan. Withdraw from the Korean peninsula. Withdraw from Japan. Close the foreign bases. Reduce “defense” spending to $250B. Stop building war machines. Stop building inventories of war materiel. Stop the totally destructive cancer of the military-industrial complex. Begin to rebuild the infrastructure of the USA — the roads, the power grid, the bridges.

Aug 24, 2010 3:18pm EDT  --  

TonTonMacoute wrote:

Maybe if we raised the tax rates to the levels of the 1950’s (also know to conservatives as the Golden Age of America), our budgetary issues would help the situation in this country?

Then, the richest top paid a top rate of 90% (and even sent a man to the moon with the money).

By 2010, it was down to 33%+. No wonder we’re in the red!


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