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Remarks by the President at Disabled Veterans of America Con(3)

时间:2011-12-05 07:28来源: 作者:admin 点击:
When terrorists and militias plunged Iraq into sectarian war, our troops adapted and adjusted -- restoring order and effectively defeating al Qaeda in Iraq on the battlefield. And among those who ser

When terrorists and militias plunged Iraq into sectarian war, our troops adapted and adjusted -- restoring order and effectively defeating al Qaeda in Iraq on the battlefield.  And among those who served in those pivotal days was a scout with the 1st Cavalry Division -- Specialist Matt Seidl.  Matt.  (Applause.)

For each of these men and women there are countless others.  And we honor them all:  Our young enlisted troops and noncommissioned officers who are the backbone of our military; the National Guardsmen and Reservists who served in unprecedented deployments; more women tested by combat than in any war in American history.  (Applause.)  Including a Marine here today -- Sergeant Patricia Ruiz.  Patricia.  (Applause.)  I teased Patricia.  I said she looks like she’s still in high school.  (Laughter.)  But she’s a Marine.  (Applause.)

And we salute the families back home.  They too have sacrificed in this war.  (Applause.)  That’s why my wife, Michelle, and the Vice President’s wife, Dr. Jill Biden, have made it their mission to make sure America takes care of our remarkable military families, including our veterans. (Applause.)

Now, this summer, tens of thousands of our troops in Iraq are coming home.  Last week, Vice President Biden was at Fort Drum to help welcome back members of the legendary 10th Mountain Division.  Families are being reunited at bases across the country, from Fort Bragg in North Carolina to Fort Riley in Kansas to Fort Lewis in Washington.  And in this season of homecomings, every American can show their gratitude to our patriots who served in Iraq.

As we do, we are humbled by the profound sacrifice that has been rendered.  Each of the veterans I have mentioned carried with them the wounds of this war.  And as a nation, we will honor forever all who gave their lives -- that last true measure of devotion -- in service in Iraq -- soldiers, sailors, Airmen, Marines, Coast Guardsmen -- active, Guard, Reserve.     

Even as we end the war in Iraq, even as we welcome home so many of our troops, others are still deployed in Afghanistan.  So I want to remind everyone, it was Afghanistan where al Qaeda plotted and trained to murder 3,000 innocent people on 9/11.  It is Afghanistan and the tribal regions of Pakistan where terrorists have launched other attacks against us and our allies.  And if Afghanistan were to be engulfed by an even wider insurgency, al Qaeda and its terrorist affiliates would have even more space to plan their next attack.  And as President of the United States, I refuse to let that happen.  (Applause.)

The effort in Afghanistan has been long and been difficult.  And that’s why after years in which the situation had deteriorated, I announced a new strategy last December -- a military effort to break the Taliban’s momentum and train Afghan forces so that they can take the lead for their security; and a civilian effort to promote good governance and development that improves the lives of the Afghan people; and deeper cooperation with Pakistan to root out terrorists on both sides of the border.

We will continue to face huge challenges in Afghanistan.  But it’s important that the American people know that we are making progress and we are focused on goals that are clear and achievable.     

On the military front, nearly all the additional forces that I ordered to Afghanistan are now in place.  Along with our Afghan and international partners, we are going on the offensive against the Taliban -- targeting their leaders, challenging them in regions where they had free reign, and training Afghan national security forces.  (Applause.)  Our thoughts and prayers are with all our troops risking their lives for our safety in Afghanistan. 

And on the civilian front, we’re insisting on greater accountability.  And the Afghan government has taken concrete steps to foster development and combat corruption, and to put forward a reintegration plan that allows Afghans to lay down their arms. 

In Pakistan, we’ve seen the government begin to take the fight to violent extremists within its borders, and major blows have been struck against al Qaeda and its leadership -- because in this region and beyond, we will tolerate no safe haven for al Qaeda and their extremist allies.  We will disrupt, we will dismantle, and we will ultimately defeat al Qaeda.  (Applause.)  And we will give our troops the resources and the equipment to get the job done and keep our country safe.  (Applause.)   

At the same time, every American who has ever worn the uniform must also know this:  Your country is going to take care of you when you come home.  (Applause.)  Our nation’s commitment to our veterans, to you and your families, is a sacred trust.  And to me and my administration, upholding that trust is a moral obligation.  It’s not just politics.

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