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Remarks by the President at Disabled Veterans of America Con(4)

时间:2011-12-05 07:28来源: 作者:admin 点击:
Thats why Ive charged Secretary Shinseki with building a 21st century VA. (Applause.) And that includes one of the largest percentage increases to the VA budget in the past 30 years. (Applause.) We a

That’s why I’ve charged Secretary Shinseki with building a 21st century VA.  (Applause.)  And that includes one of the largest percentage increases to the VA budget in the past 30 years.  (Applause.)  We are going to cut this deficit that we’ve got, and I’ve proposed a freeze on discretionary domestic spending.  But what I have not frozen is the spending we need to keep our military strong, our country safe and our veterans secure.  So we’re going to keep on making historic commitments to our veterans.  (Applause.)  

For about 200,000 Vietnam vets who may have been exposed to Agent Orange and who now suffer from three chronic diseases, we’re making it easier for you to get the health care and benefits you need.  (Applause.)

For our Gulf War veterans, we’ve declared that nine infectious diseases are now presumed to be related to your service in Desert Storm.  (Applause.)

For our disabled veterans, we’ve eliminated co-pays for those of you who are catastrophically disabled.  (Applause.)  We’ve kept our promise on concurrent receipt by proposing legislation that would allow severely disabled retirees to receive your military retired pay and your VA disability benefits.  It’s the right thing to do.  (Applause.)

We’ve dramatically increased funding for veterans health care across the board, and that includes improving care for rural veterans and women veterans.  (Applause.)  For those half-million vets who had lost their eligibility -- our Priority 8 veterans -- we’re restoring your access to VA health care.  (Applause.)
And since the rumors continue to fly, even though they are wrong, let me say it as clearly as I can:  The historic health care reform legislation that I signed into law does not -- I repeat, does not -- change your veterans benefits.  (Applause.)  The VA health care benefits that you know and trust are safe, and that includes prosthetics for our disabled veterans.  (Applause.)

Thanks to advanced appropriations, the delays for funding for veterans medical care are over.  And just as those delays were unacceptable, so too are long delays in the claims process.  (Applause.)  So Secretary Shinseki is working overtime to create a single lifetime electronic record that our troops and veterans can keep for life.  (Applause.)   

And today -- today I can announce that for the first time ever, veterans will be able to go to the VA website, click a simple “blue button,” and download or print your personal health records so you have them when you need them and can share them with your doctors outside of the VA.  That’s happening this fall.  (Applause.)    

We’re hiring thousands of new claims processors to break the backlog once and for all.  (Applause.)  And to make sure the backlog doesn’t come back, we’re reforming the claims process itself with new information technologies and a paperless system.  (Applause.) 

AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Hallelujah! 

THE PRESIDENT:  We got an Amen over here.  (Laughter and applause.)

As a result of the innovation competition that I announced last summer, our dedicated VA employees suggested more than 10,000 new ways to cut through the red tape and the bureaucracy.  (Applause.)  And we’re already putting dozens of these innovative ideas into action.  Additionally, we’re enabling more veterans to check the status of their claims online and from their cell phone.  (Applause.)

As a next step, we’re opening this competition to entrepreneurs and academics so the best minds in America can help us develop the technologies to serve our vets, including those of you with multiple traumatic injuries. And we’re going to keep at this until we meet our commitment to cut those backlogs, slash those wait times, and deliver your benefits sooner.  This is a priority and we are going to get it done.  (Applause.)    

We’re making progress in ending homelessness among our veterans.  (Applause.)  Today, on any given night, there are about 20,000 fewer veterans on the streets than there were when we took office.  But we’re not going to be satisfied until every veteran who has fought for America has a home in America.  (Applause.)  We will not stop.  (Applause.) 

Finally, we’re keeping faith with our newest veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq.  We’re offering more of the support and counseling they need to transition back to civilian life.  That includes funding the post-9/11 GI Bill, which is already helping more than 300,000 veterans and family members pursue their dream of a college education.  (Applause.)
And for veterans trying to find work in a very tough economy, we’re helping with job training and placement.  And I’ve directed the federal government to make it a priority to hire more veterans, including disabled veterans.  (Applause.)  And every business in America needs to know our vets have the training, they’ve got the skills, they have the dedication -- they are ready to work.  And our country is stronger when we tap the incredible talents of our veterans.  (Applause.)

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