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时间:2012-01-14 03:17来源: 作者:admin 点击:


"This has become a habit, and one of the things that we're going to have to do is to directly confront Bill Clinton when he's making statements that are not factually accurate," Obama added.


Obama apparently was referring to Clinton's comment that it was a "fairy tale" that Obama has consistently opposed the Iraq war from the start, and that Nevada union officials backing Obama were strong-arming members into caucusing for Obama.


Bill Clinton took on Obama's record on Iraq at a Dartmouth College event days before the New Hampshire primary, saying it was wrong Obama was able to trumpet superior judgment on Iraq by claiming he had been against the war from the start.


"Give me a break. This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I've ever seen," Bill Clinton said.

Bill Clinton was making the case that Obama -- just like Sen. Hillary Clinton -- had voted to fund the war since he's been in office.

Obama said the former president has taken his campaigning on his wife's behalf too far.

克林顿说,给我一些时间,这件事情是我曾经遇到的更大的传言。克林顿在调查关于奥巴马的案子。像Hillary Clinton一样,他认为当奥巴马在工作的时候,他也同意了为战争拨款。奥巴马说,前总统为了他的妻子的利益走的太远了。

"I understand him wanting to promote his wife's candidacy," Obama said. "She's got a record that she can run on. But I think it's important that we try to maintain some -- you know, level of honesty and candor during the course of the campaign. If we don't, then we feed the cynicism that has led so many Americans to be turned off to politics."



Hillary Clinton's campaign manager Howard Wolfson said Obama may just be smarting from his loss to the New York senator in the Nevada caucuses on Saturday.

Hillary Clinton的竞选领导者Howard Wolfson 说,奥巴马只是对他在星期六参加纽约竞选的失败伤心而已。

"We understand Sen. Obama is frustrated by his loss in Nevada, but facts are facts," Wolfson said. "Sen. Obama's allies in Nevada engaged in strong-arm tactics and intimidation against our supporters and his record against the war has been inconsistent. President Clinton is a huge asset to our campaign and will continue talking to the American people to press the case for Sen. Clinton.

“我们理解奥巴马在损失了内华达州的选举周后很沮丧,但是事实就是事实”Wolfson说,“奥巴马的同盟者采取暴力和胁迫的方式来打压我们的支持者,并且他的关于战争的看法的记录是不一致的,克林顿总统是我们选举活动的巨大财富,他会继续同美国对华,将Sen. Clinton更新的情况告诉大家”。

Of course Sen. Clinton and Sen. Obama are the candidates on the ballot and she is winning because she is giving voice to the Americans who will provide real solutions to the challenges they face in the daily lives," he said.

他说:“很明显的,Sen. Clinton 和奥巴马在选举场上都是候选人,她赢得了这场胜利,是因为,她把这种声音传达给了美国人:她可以为美国人日常遇到的风险和挑战提供真实的解决!”

During the run up to the caucus, Obama received a lot of pressure to denounce a third-party advertising supporting him, but accusing Sen. Clinton of abandoning Hispanic workers.

在通往预选会议的过程中,奥巴马承受了很大的压力,来自于他公开指责一个第三方的广告商支持他,指责Sen. Clinton弃西班牙工人的利益于不顾。

"The ad that happened in Nevada, we had no thing to do with. I wasn't even in the state of Nevada when it went up for the couple of days right before the caucus," Obama said.


"To the extent that it implied that Sen. Clinton was trying to suppress Hispanic votes, I think that would be absolutely incorrect and unfair. I think that they were concerned about the fact that the Clinton ad -- that Clinton supporters, not the Clinton campaign -- the Clinton supporters had filed a lawsuit in the eleventh hour to try to change the rules of the caucus in the way that they thought would advantage them. And this happened right after the union endorsed me. So understandably, the union was upset," he added.

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