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Obama: Health insurance mandate no tax increase(2)

时间:2012-04-21 01:10来源: 作者:admin 点击:
Lets's just call it what it is a 'walking around tax' going to private companies with the government as a go between and enforcer. 2 votes - Mon Sep 14, 2009 3:54 PM EDT Eric Albert Deleted mike from

Lets's just call it what it is a 'walking around tax' going to private companies with the government as a go between and enforcer.

  • 2 votes

  • - Mon Sep 14, 2009 3:54 PM EDT

    Eric AlbertDeleted

    mike from wisc

    Well it sounds like they are starting to head in the right direction.

  • 1 vote

  • - Mon Sep 14, 2009 4:02 PM EDT

    Eric AlbertDeleted

    Greg Johnson-900798

    Okay - they've cut $100B. $880B to go!

  • 2 votes

  • - Mon Sep 14, 2009 4:19 PM EDT


    Will the government employees running the public option, have the same plan themselves, or will they have a better plan? Like Congress?

    Will those workers be "union"?

    What will that do to the costs as time goes on?

  • 2 votes

  • - Mon Sep 14, 2009 4:42 PM EDT


    Congress should be made pay Social Security based on their income like everyone else; they should also have to for their insurance, want to see Washington fix this mess? Make them do the aforementioned and watch them FIX the problems FAST.

    The closest thing I can think of that matches Congress and our lawmakers is a Blood Sucking Leach.

  • 1 vote

  • - Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:11 PM EDT


    Great job! The $880B only covers the actual cost from 2013 to 2020. What will the next 10 years cost? Take a guess. Baucus has nothing to lose, he will be retired living on a million dollar full ride package paid for by the taxpayers.

  • 2 votes

  • - Mon Sep 14, 2009 4:45 PM EDT

    Robert Bartholomew

    Yeah... and it will effectively end $80 billion a year in lost emergency room compensation, and losses to all businesses that are passed on to consumers through medical expense bankruptcies. Wow! What do you know… we will now have medical coverage for everyone, and won’t have to pay anymore than we’re already paying for nothing!

  • 2 votes

  • - Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:04 PM EDT


    Will the public option have premiums? After all, they keep saying "Affordable" health insurance, not "Free" health insurance.

    If there will be premiums, will they all be the same or will it be different based on risk?

    For example, would a healthy person 40 years old with good blood pressure, good diet, non smoker, fit... pay the same as an obese 40 year old that smokes?

    - Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:28 PM EDT


    it may be affordable for the middle class and up, but us poor class that cant afford food will be trying to pay the fines.

  • 1 vote

  • - Sun Sep 20, 2009 10:11 AM EDT


    If you will notice, all the people who went to Washington to protest this insurance thing were ignored, Congress, both sides are moving on with their own agendas and treating the people like third class citizens.

    Obama, the Dems nor the Repbs have said one thing about “Hay, let’s stop right here and talk to the people, let’s have a nationwide vote on this and see what the people want.

    All of the politicians in Washington are professional crooks, they set up there and do as they damn well please, all the while earning BIG BUCKS for taking control of our lives and pushing their wants and likes down our throats.

    They draw their salaries for life which means you and I have to continue to pay them even after they are out of office, Congress votes themselves a raise when they decide they need one, boy, that must be nice.

    The Government of this country is as corrupt as any criminal organization in the world, if they had any shame they would say to the people “we are taking a pay cut, we are going to pay SS tax, we are going to buy our own insurance, and we will work WITH YOU to fix both of these.”

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