But they have no shame, they are fat cats living off the lives of the little people and they love it, if you are rich you get tax breaks and cuts (or you get away with not paying) so you can stay in the power circle, I am all for free enterprise, that’s what built this country, but I am tired of those who use us to get rich, and those who tell us what we want and need like we were their kids.
If you refuse to pay them you go to jail, if you march against them you are using “scare tactics” if you demand to be heard you are a radical trouble maker.
What happened to America? What happened to the Constitution of the United States? What happened to the rights of the people to be heard?
When did the politician quit working for the people who voted for them and start working for their own self gain?
Washington needs a HUGE ENEMA; it needs a double dose of Exlax to clean out all the buildup sh-- that has accumulated there over the years of re-election to offices they don’t deserve.
I’ll vote next time I always do, but there is going to be a lot of “write in’s” on the ballet this time, they can’t take that away from me, they take everything else, but not MY VOTE!
1 vote
Robert Bartholomew
Thank God! Bipartisan negotiations! OMG! I think I felt the earth move...
2 votes
The Congress is back in session and doing the dirty work for the Medical Industrial Complex.
mcconnell $3.3M, hatch $2.9M, baucus $2.8M, grassley $2.7M,
lieberman $2.6M, burr $2.4M, ensign $2.4M, cornyn $2.2M, kyl $2.1M,
conrad $2.1M, cantor $1.8M boehner $1.7M, coburn $1.2M, j wilson 800K
were paid by the Medical Industrial Complex to kill Health Care Reform.
for Tax Justice pointed this out. The tax legislation enacted under
President George W. Bush from 2001 through 2006 will cost $2.48
trillion over the 2001-2010 period. This includes the revenue loss of
$2.11 trillion that results directly from the Bush tax cuts as well as
the $379 billion in additional interest payments on the national debt
that we must make since the tax cuts were deficit-financed. Over the
upcoming decade (2010-2019), the costs of the health care proposals
approved by three committees in the U.S. House of Representatives are
projected to be around $1 trillion and deficit neutral(that means
they're paid for). In 2010, when all the Bush tax cuts are finally
phased in, a staggering 52.5 percent of the benefits will go to the
richest 5 percent of taxpayers. The Bush tax cuts were
deficit-financed, which increased the national debt and resulted in
greater interest payments on that debt. They never even tried to pay
for their tax-cuts. So, for the price of bush's tax-cuts for the
wealthiest 5%, we could have had Health Care for every American.
Instead Americans got bupkus and cheney/bush's republican buddies got
filthy rich off of the Blood Money from No-Bid, Cost-Plus Federal
12 Million Americans were denied Health Care Coverage
by the Medical Industrial Complex because they had a Pre-Existing
Medical Condition. 12K Americans lose Insurance Coverage everyday. Over
18K Americans die each day because they lack health insurance. (Source:
WaPo Article 05' by Harvard Prof. E. Warren)
Follow the Money: http://hmc-lavadogs.livejournal.com/20128.html
Call Congress and demand, Single-Payer Health Care for All!
Sign Single-Payer Petition: http://www.singlepayeraction.org/join.html
Don't let the Medical Industrial Complex steal your Health Care from you and
your family by donating huge sums of money to Crooked Politicians in
order to maintain the Status Quo. Keep up the good fight.
2 votes
Single Payer... that mean's the Government, right?
So instead of paying private insurance companies, we pay higher taxes or will we still pay our premiums to the Government?
Who will run this? My guess is, that the people who USED to work in the private sector running these insurance companies, will now have FEDERAL jobs running the Government Single Payer.
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