How much will they get paid? Hopefully less than they were.
What about the rank and file people?
Will they belong to a union?
Will they get those outragious governement retirement benefits?
Will they get higher pay belonging to a union?
Will they have better work ethics than the post office, SSI office, or even motor vehicles?
When they calculate the cost, are they counting everything? The medical costs to the people as well as the cost of running the system?
1 vote
No Single Payer wouldn't hire people from Private sector, it would destroy it in a sense by expanding Medicare to everyone, it runs on 3% overhead compared 17% in the private sector, it would be not for profit, Citizens would be covered from Birth to the grave no matter where you work or how deep your pockets are. It is a lot better then the mess Baucus Proposed. only problem is the massive employment it would cause when those companies went out of business. The upside there would be no excuse why Washington wouldn't be on the plan It would be national insurance, there would still be smaller insurance companies that will attract the rich & also sell Supplementary policies to everyone for extra goodies, such as cosmetic work, private hospital rooms, maybe even Botox, Elective services but the prices wouldn't be so damn inflated as they are today.
President Obama most likely would have push for Single Payer but because of the economic mess, it wouldn't be the best decision to add to the increasing unemployment numbers, Plus Baucus being the greedy class whore didn't want single payer so President Obama went for a public option that would be injected with money & then collect Premiums & keep the private sector intact.
At the projective rate if real reform is not done Premiums will rise to $24,000 a year on the low ball & $30,000 a year on the high ball. The insurance industry is expected to disappear in about 10 years if not changed & with it all of our money most likely leading to a depression. Premiums rose 131% in the past 8 years while wages/incomes only rose 38% in the last 8 years. People think it won't happen but when Prices increase to the $20,000-$30,000 range employers will dump insurance plans, for individuals to buy on the open market without the power to bargain for prices. This effect will shrink the sector over a few years, they will close the doors & take off with our money. Jobs lost from them will be in thousands & Wall street will be hit hard & we will be left holding the bag but will have a chance to reshape the country from scratch.
2 votes
everybody should just drop it, and let them go to the un-employment office.
1 vote
But didn't Speaker Pelosi go tearfully onto nationwide TV and call for an end to all open political debate? Hasn't the end of political speech come to us all? Shouldn't Congress now be a private and secret organization?
- Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:06 PM EDTDWick2010
As long as Mr. Obama GURANTEES he will not raise my taxes to pay for this,nor tax me on the health care costs I pay for now on my own,and have done so since the age of 16(24 years now)then I will have no problem with this,however I know one of those 2 things,if not both will happen. No matter how hard he tries there will be no other way to get this done,than to raise taxes on the middle and lower class as well.
1 vote
he lie's. he already raised taxes on certain groups. smoking and drinking.
1 vote
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