"We're going to support the FBI," said Mikulski, who heads the Senate subcommittee that oversees the FBI's funding. "We're going to support the growth of the FBI."
The Obama administration's record on digital identification and authentication is mixed.
During the 2008 presidential campaign, President Obama told CNET that "I do not support the Real ID program." But after being elected, Obama has not called for its repeal and his administration said last month that it's working "very closely with the states to assist with implementation."
Another cautionary note comes from a previous public-private partnership that also sought to improve identity-related authentication. The largest company participating in the TSA's registered traveler identification program, Verified Identity Pass' CLEAR, shut down in 2009. Its assets were sold to the highest bidder.
Another concern: Although the White House is describing the NSTIC plan as "voluntary," federal agencies could begin to require it for IRS e-filing, applying for Social Security or veterans' benefits, renewing passports online, requesting federal licenses (including ham radio and pilot's licenses), and so on. Then obtaining one of these ID would become all but mandatory for most Americans.
"For end-users, online identification has become increasingly cumbersome and complex," says Marc Rotenberg, president of the Electronic Privacy Information Center. "But it remains unclear whether the White House proposal will solve this problem or create new problems. There is the real risk that consolidated identity schemes will lead to 'hyper' identity theft."
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