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Obama interview: the transcript(3)

时间:2012-06-21 07:49来源: 作者:admin 点击:
President Obama: I think that the key, right now, is to initiate a process that is meaningful, that is rigorous, between not only the United States and Iran, bilaterally, but also continuing with the

President Obama: I think that the key, right now, is to initiate a process that is meaningful, that is rigorous, between not only the United States and Iran, bilaterally, but also continuing with the P5 plus one discussions, in a way that's constructive. Without going into specifics, what I do believe is that Iran has legitimate energy concerns, legitimate aspirations. On the other hand, the international community has a very real interest in preventing a nuclear arms in the region. Now-

Justin Webb: But could Iran have the right to reprocess energy?

President Obama: Now one point that I want to make is that in my speech in Prague, I talked about how we need to reinvigorate a much broader agenda for nuclear nonproliferation - including the United States and Russia drawing down our stockpiles in very significant ways, to the extent that Iran feels that they are treated differently than anybody else. That makes them embattled.

To the extent that we're having a broader conversation about how all countries have an interest in containing and reducing, over time, the nuclear proliferation throughout. That, I think, has to be part and parcel of our broader agenda.

Justin Webb: You're going on to Europe, to Normandy - scene of the great Allied coming together. Have you convinced European leaders, taking a sort of broad look at Europe, as a whole, that it is necessary, sometimes, to use force to get your way in the world? And I'm thinking, obviously, particularly of Afghanistan. But almost in a wider sense, a kind of Venus and Mars issue. Are the Europeans gonna be more on board now to the American way of thinking?

President Obama: Well look, I think any student of European history understands that the devastation of, not just two world wars, but centuries of war across the continent - and across the channel - means that Europeans understand better than anybody the costs of war.

It is legitimate and understandable that they are hesitant. I think the United States has a similar attitude. That we should be thinking in terms of our national defense, not where can we initiate war. We had an attack against the United States that killed 3,000 Americans.

There have been multiple terrorist attacks planned, and some successfully executed, against European states. And, at some point we have to make sure that we are eliminating those networks that would do - could do - our citizens harm. That is our first job as a state, as a government.

Justin Webb: And European leaders are on board for that.

President Obama: I think that they are on board on that. Now there are going to be tactical issues, and strategies. And the politics of this can sometimes be difficult. Listen, the idea of US troops in Afghanistan seven years after 9/11, or eight years after 9/11, is hardly popular.

At some point we have to make the case that it is necessary. And I think that what we try to do with our strategic review was to give a broader framework of, not just military, but also diplomatic and development initiatives, that would move in tandem with the military.

And that framework, I think, is one that was heartily embraced by European leaders, by Nato. Now we just gotta execute. And execution's always tough, especially in a world recession where people are looking at their budgets.

Justin Webb: We're almost out of time, Mr. President. I wanted to finish by asking you a sort of personal question. We've been through all these issues, and they must weigh on your mind constantly. How do you relax? What do you read? What does President Obama do?

President Obama: Well nothing is better at pulling you out of your world than having a couple of children. So I've got a ten-year-old and a seven-year-old. And they're planning, you know, pool parties, and talking about homework, and trying to figure out how to get the dog back on the leash.

Justin Webb: And family life works in the White House?

President Obama: It really does. I mean, one of the huge benefits of being president is I now have this nice home office, and I go upstairs and I can have dinner with my family just about every night. And they can travel with me when they're able.

And so we've got, I think, a very good deal. And I'm grateful that I've got such a wonderful wife and kids. That's my main form of relaxation. If I can get in, a basketball game, or a round of golf, or picking up a novel every once in a while - that doesn't hurt.

Justin Webb: You reading anything at the moment?

President Obama: You know, I'm reading a book called Netherland by Joseph O'Neil. Almost finished. Excellent novel.

Justin Webb: We'll let you get back to it. I'm sure you have other things to do.

President Obama: Thank you so much.

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