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Obamas SOTU Address

时间:2012-07-16 04:09来源: 作者:admin 点击:
Discussion Current Events Obamas SOTU Address 袜子 wrote: Just read the full text of his speech - not bad. Nice to see that there might be a renewed emphasis on education that actually works, instead of Every Child Left Behind or whatever.

Discussion » Current Events » Obama's SOTU Address

  • 袜子 wrote:

    Just read the full text of his speech - not bad. Nice to see that there might be a renewed emphasis on education that actually works, instead of Every Child Left Behind or whatever. And he even gave China some props, how about that. He didn't get too specific on immigration though, and I think that's going to be something that people will continue to nail him for.

    Although all this bullshit about "oooh look how the Democrats and Republicans are sitting together" is totally retarded and a good example of how the media over there focus on pretty much anything other than what actually matters. At least here, everyone already knows that the media are full of shit. I hope? People in the States get way too caught up in the petty crap that gets paraded in front of them 24/7. Nation of morons.

    Anyone else read it yet?


  • Micky wrote:

    Mike:- People on this website does not respond to meaningful thread; as there's no place sex, pussy cock or insult is mentioned dont expect any contribution. Meanwhile  the address by the president was really encouraging and focused more on domestic issues but my concern has always been the same. "Road to implementation". There was not much facial grudges like that of 2009 this guy Rep Joe Willson souted "Liar"..

    Let's see how it goes for the next one year. I think with the zeal of re-election bid,.. things might be better

    77 weeks ago

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  • Minger wrote:

    Mike, as Micky said, you forgot to put "sex" or a racial stereotype in the title, so I don't know how much luck you're going to have with this thread.

    I think it was an excellent speech, and I'm surprised how many of his policies I agree with. It gave me a tiny sliver of hope. His energy goals still seem weak in comparison to what is probably necessary, but they are a big step forward. I'm skeptical, but I hope his proposals for education can result in the third of the country that only repeats platitudes they hear on television actually learning to think for themselves.

    But we all know that our corrupt, selfish congress will never let Obama's proposals become laws. On the bright side, it's really hard for them to make things worse while he's in office.

    77 weeks ago

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  • High Priest wrote:

    A very nice speech. It's just a good thing to see this guy talking...He is one of those charismatic orator of our time.  The only thing is that people from the opposite side would like to oppose to someone statement even if there's nothing to oppose about. People oppose just for the safe of opposing without giving a corrective road map. But instead he is called "Called Indonesian muslim turned welfare thug

    77 weeks ago

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  • Minger wrote:

    The Fox News crowd tries very hard to make him out as "the worst president of all time." While I do oppose the corporate and financial bailouts (half of which were started by congress and little Bush before Obama was in office), I can't think of anything else that he's done which was bad. This in contrast to little Bush, who's apparent goal while in office was to be "the last president of all time".

    I wonder why Murdoch is gunning so hard for Obama. Is it just business? Is it that he's racist? Or does he just have shit for brains?

    77 weeks ago

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