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Obamas SOTU Address(2)

时间:2012-07-16 04:09来源: 作者:admin 点击:
Reply from Minger is flagged as not relevant. 袜子 wrote: Definitely, definitely business. There's still a huge portion of the population that actually buys into the birther/tea party/gold-hoarding/e

Reply from Minger is flagged as not relevant.

  • 袜子 wrote:

    Definitely, definitely business. There's still a huge portion of the population that actually buys into the birther/tea party/gold-hoarding/etc bullshit, those are loyal Fox viewers, bringing in the advertising revenues and shit. Morons from sea to shining sea.

    His energy policies...yeah. I mean, I really just liked that he took a dig at the oil companies, especially after they collectively raped America so hard during the Bush years. And for real, they've pretty much been the biggest reason why America has failed to develop cleaner, more sustainable sources of fuel and more efficient modes of public transportation.

    I mean, there's a little more to the energy problem than that, like the fact that we are a nation of goddamn fucking dummies. This is honestly the hugest problem in the States I think. Too many goddamn idiots. Like I just don't understand how you can grow up middle or upper-working class in the States and end up being so retarded. Like people can't even figure out how fucking magnets work.

    Seriously though, I don't think there's an excuse anymore, unless you're born in abject poverty or have a learning disability or something. I grew up in a podunk town with one and a half stoplights and we still had a fucking library and a school with computers. No fucking excuse to be dumb if you grow up anywhere other than the darkest corners of the inner city or you are actually mentally retarded, like the medical definition of it.

    And I think a lot of it has to do with a culture that has basically ended up worshipping mediocrity in every form, from shit people watch on television to the way people perceive education and learning in general. Like yeah, it's never been "cool" to be smart, but now it's like being a complete moron is not only acceptable, but encouraged. Whatever, I'm done.

    77 weeks ago

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  • Tuco wrote:

    i love it. another empty promise from another government just trying to cover its own ass. maybe it will work but we will have to wait and see.

    we are still seeing the effects of mr g. bush.

    77 weeks ago

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  • _ wrote:

    Obama isn't the messiah but he's the best president we could have had at this time, and all the shit getting shoveled on his feet by teabaggers, racists, and Republicans (three distinct groups, mind you) has wrung from me what little optimism I had left.

    Granted, it's naught but a dry skidmark in my drawers. But you catch my drift, eh?

    We believe our system is so perfect that it would be abominable to admit that it could be improved, let alone actually change it. Oh no. This is as good as it gets. When you've got it made like we do, there is only one thing left to do: un-make everything else.

    If the fundamentalist Christians get the apocalypse they've been waiting for, then in a thousand years when aliens land on this planet and the archeological evidence show that America was most technologically advanced and culturally influential society on the planet.

    And that's really fucking pathetic.

    Granted, I'm a bit of a misanthrope and I want you all to die in a fire, anyway. But I am rather fond of history. To die and leave the earth a mess like it is now would be like that one time I played Oregon Trail on the classroom computer and named the wagon-master after a classmate I disliked, then left St. Louis with no food or clothes so as to intentionally kill the group and lose the game. Then when the wagon master finally died, the epitaph read: HERE LIES JOSH. HE WAS A FAG.

    77 weeks ago

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