I have had some amazing work done on taskcity when it comes to illustrations! I would like to have more illustrations done of Michelle Obama for a product line. Something that really represents her as a smart, successful career woman, mother, wife, first lady and fashionista! They will be pretty, fun and fashion forward. I will give you direct guidance about what type of style I would like for each image. I prefer someone who has experience in vector style images. I need someone who can take directions, who is also very creative, can contribute ideas if asked and work quickly. I need this project done in less than 2 weeks. I am interested in a total of 5 images for under $200.00. I have had excellent luck getting beautiful, fantastic, detailed images for very conservative prices. All file attachments are copy righted. I look forward to working with you. Thanks for bidding!
<br/>I have had some amazing work done on taskcity when it comes to illustrations! I would like to have more illustrations done of Michelle Obama for a product line. Something that really represents her as a smart, successful career woman, mother, wife, first lady and fashionista! They will be pretty, fun and fashion forward. I will give you direct guidance about what type of style I would like for each image. I prefer someone who has experience in vector style images. I need someone who can take directions, who is also very creative, can contribute ideas if asked and work quickly. I need this project done in less than 2 weeks. I am interested in a total of 5 images for under $200.00. I have had excellent luck getting beautiful, fantastic, detailed images for very conservative prices. All file attachments are copy righted. I look forward to working with you. Thanks for bidding!
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1505847972 | 1256358232 | 1363884583 | 1902839745 | 800072298 | 754854002 |
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