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Comments: Obama presses security overhaul, Nigerian indicte

时间:2011-08-22 22:06来源: 作者:admin 点击:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama is not patient and is demanding immediate changes in airline security, the top U.S. military office

phand77 wrote:

This explains everything:

Jan 05, 2010 7:35pm EST  --  

pnielsen wrote:

Babooma, Babooma, babooma, does the Organ Grinder’s Monkey never tire of blaming everybody but himself for all of his screw-ups?
Every day we have to put up with the monkey on TV, blaming everybody put his own incompetence and stupidity for his screw-ups.

Jan 05, 2010 7:48pm EST  --  

rreis wrote:

OK. It was a mistake. And we pay this brilliant 19 month senator to tell us? My boss is this smart.

Jan 05, 2010 8:02pm EST  --  

ib42 wrote:

The comment above shows the mentality of the
writer. Low class and obnoxious.
So, was Mr. Obama supposed to be at the airports involved to ensure the would-be attacker didn’t board the aircraft?
Blame those intelligence agencies for goofing off yet again. NOT Mr. Obama.
Your envy of the President’s class is obvious. Your ignorance and stupidity are too evident to say any more.

Jan 05, 2010 8:03pm EST  --  

bobojake wrote:

The fingers all point at you obama and your incompetence. Leave GITMO open. gibbs and obama are a bigger recruiting tool then Gitmo is.

Jan 05, 2010 8:03pm EST  --  

Nisthahar wrote:

As good clean Republican I do felt offended by someone to call our President as you describe as monkey. It does n’t matter he is a Democrate or what ever, but he is The President United States of America.Country that I am proud of.
Very sad.

Jan 05, 2010 8:10pm EST  --  

maxinedemian wrote:

I voted for Obama. I donated money to his campaign after Ron Paul’s attempt was thrwarted by the media and the mainstream. I hoped for the best and cheered when he won.

I am extremely saddened to know he is just another puppet of the NWO, and that the famous FDR statement is true, “presidents are not elected, they are selected.”

Jan 05, 2010 8:46pm EST  --  

jettyg wrote:

This is what we get from our first quota president! Hope and change is not what our leader should be guided by. All liberals should be ashamed of themselves.

Jan 05, 2010 8:46pm EST  --  

jettyg wrote:

This is what we get from our first quota president! Hope and change is not what our leader should be guided by. All liberals should be ashamed of themselves.

Jan 05, 2010 8:49pm EST  --  

voomies wrote:

Delta flight 253 details from a flight attendant at

Jan 05, 2010 8:55pm EST  --  

efab wrote:

Until we lose the concept of being “policitally correct” we will be at risk. It’s just a matter of time before one of the nuts jobs is successful. We are too soft…to far left thinking -strike that – far lefties don’t think, the empathise; it makes them feel relavant. Teddy Roosevelt said it best: “Speak softly, carry a big stick; you will go far”

Jan 05, 2010 9:06pm EST  --  

potpot wrote:

“racist knuckle-draggers”, “dinosaurs”? “Babooma”, “Organ Grinder’s Monkey”? I love this! Keep it coming guys. Oscar winning stuff. Would any of you care if I belched?

Jan 05, 2010 9:16pm EST  --  

JimMD wrote:

The only reason that Yemen, Pakistan and other countries that harbor terrorism are now finally working with the US is because of Obama. It’s a new world and anyone thinks we can go it alone, think again.

Jan 05, 2010 9:21pm EST  --  

Moretea wrote:

I’ll start off by saying I’m a Brit living in the US, and I’ll also add that nobody was hurt in this incident. Whatever measures have been taken since 911 the message got across to some, we don’t tolerate terrorism.
It’s not just Obama’s responsibly, it’s all of us. We should all know this by now. Thankfully the people that apprehended this asshole knew, or was it just democrats that responded? Just saying :)

Jan 05, 2010 9:23pm EST  --  

W3r3scrw3ed wrote:

What? Only 15 comments? There were 115 just a few moments ago. Suprisingly, only the race-baiting ones remain. Here is my original, leave it up if you must. “We’re all screwed.”

Jan 05, 2010 9:25pm EST  --  

dd_US wrote:

The Obama bashers could be Pakistani ISI agents who want to divide the US population and divert our attention from national security.

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