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Comments: Obama presses security overhaul, Nigerian indicte(5)

时间:2011-08-22 22:06来源: 作者:admin 点击:
Jan 06, 201011:08am EST-- iwish40 wrote: As we can see so far these other countries have NOT Unclenched their fists. They are not going to Unclench their fists because they do NOT WANT to. When will

Jan 06, 2010 11:08am EST  --  

iwish40 wrote:

As we can see so far these “other” countries have NOT Unclenched their fists.
They are not going to Unclench their fists because they do NOT WANT to.
When will Obama WAKE UP and realize this. They HATE US, and will do everything they can to eliminate us.
At least Bush understood this!

Jan 06, 2010 11:18am EST  --  

dalidog wrote:

Major terrorist attack #2 in 1 year on Obama’s watch

Jan 06, 2010 1:09pm EST  --  

lord_of_debates wrote:

GOOD JOB BROWNIE !!! was the DC sniper a terrorist on US soil or does that not count since Obama wasn’t President at the time ? wasnt he tried in a US court? wasnt he lawyered up ? Maybe that doesnt count, it wasnt on Obamas watch. maybe it is just a terror attack on US soil if Obama is president ? Hmmmmmm.

Jan 06, 2010 3:06pm EST  --  

lord_of_debates wrote:

dalidog, Shoe bomber, DC sniper, Anthrax, all on the Bush watch, or werent they Major Terrorist attacks? and werent they tried in a US court and lawyered up ? was you outraged at Bush and Cheney then ?

Jan 06, 2010 3:08pm EST  --  

lord_of_debates wrote:

Jan 06, 2010 3:09pm EST  --  

Robert76 wrote:

Say Volf007 – you do realize that the current president of the United States is from Hawaii, don’t you. As for this act of by one lone terrorist, he has accomplished his mission by the division in the American People brought on by the racist comments that I have read on this site. If we do not stand together, we lose – plain and simple.

Jan 06, 2010 8:35pm EST  --  

themeeting wrote:

I also find the comments referring to President Obama as offensive.

That being said, I think it is crazy for the administration to prosecute this Terrorist in civilian court with all of the right of an American citizen.

A tremendous opportunity was missed when this terrorist was not treated as what he is – a foreign combatant. He should have been interrogated and should not have Miranda rights. How many other potential attacks could have been thwarted?

Jan 06, 2010 9:38pm EST  --  

Riot5000 wrote:

ALL THE RACIST HATERS are out to feed.
George W, THE OTHER MONKEY, would NEVER have admitted that the US security F’D up big time.
BLAME EVERYONE ELSE BUT OURSELVES, that is the American way.
The PUNK’S FATHER gave him away to AMerican Embassy in Lagos, since OCTOBER.
WHY was this guy still able to board a Jet to Detoit?
ONLY if TIMOTHY McVEIGH had met UMAR FAROUK, who knows what they could have done together, despite their other skin tone differences, THEY BOTH HAPPEN TO BE TERRORISTS.

Jan 07, 2010 3:52am EST  --  

Talleyrand wrote:

Oh the tinfoil crowd is out in force again…. This was an intelligence and systemic screw-up. Let me remind the numbskulls here. This was one guy, no more than the shoe bomber. Where were you all when GWB REALLY screwed up with a very real report on as major terrorist attack on the USA in August 2001? Where were the superpatriots in 1996, when the Republicans denied funds to Clinton for battling terrorism? Where were you all when GWB sent us off to a war with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11???

Get off the pot, folks. This is going to happen again and again until we solve the problem of terrorism using political means and police means. Right now we are still mired in two permanent wars bequeathed by the pürevious “administration.” (I use quotes, because if I ran my business the way the Republicans ran the country, I would be broke.

Jan 07, 2010 12:04pm EST  --  

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