Sep 25, 2010 4:35pm EDT --
fromthecenter wrote:
I have to give the Republicans credit. They surely know how to cater to the ignorant, racist fears of the un-read masses. Even though most of the policies and ideas that this administration are for will provide benefit to most of them. They continue to spew lies, half-truths, whiletelling us how much more righteous they are then the Democrats. Holding one hand on their heart while passing lobbyists money with the other to their wallets. I’m sure they sat around laughing when they put this latest publicity stunt document together. I Hope that the silent majority is sitting in their living rooms laughing at them right now, and come november they will get another beating so that they will have no choice but to do what is right for this country.
Sep 25, 2010 4:44pm EDT --
Trooth wrote:
Perhaps you missed the news the last 3 months, Murtha housed one of the largest lobyists for the defense industry, who has been found of criminal wrong doings during the Democrats reign in the congress. Lets not mention Rangel and Waters. If you think the Democrats are holier than thou, I would say you are the one who is ignorant. Im not a tea partier, but I also want to see a cleaning of the house, both democrat and republican alike. Along with the senate.
Sep 25, 2010 4:58pm EDT --
Bluehawk wrote:
Mr. Obama has lost his credibility and is making it all the worse with his rants against his opposition which at this point are merely annoying.
Sep 25, 2010 5:26pm EDT --
BurnerJack wrote:
The reality is we are in a tough spot.
Our way of life is actually in jeopardy.The Congress and Senate are consumed by reelection efforts fueled by lobbying money. The Media as a whole has been thwarted by “soft censorship”,”…report what WE want,How we want, or you will be shut out…” All of these factors have resulted in a system corrupted by finance both foreign and domestic.
We as a nation will be forced into unpopular choices akin to Greece, Spain, and France to name a few.
The real problem is no such decisive action will happen unless there is a lame duck President, Senate and Congress.
Unfortunately this usually leads to huge pork and patronage instead.
This is why its so important to vote out the Status Quo. I would expect a minimum of two radical “flush out” elections to force the “new reality” upon Washington.
This coming election cycle should prove quite interesting.
In an Ideal world, this era should see the rise of a third party. Call it whatever you want but it will be a vote against the usual two. Two of whom each share power and blame while the country we love and are proud of is in process of selfdestruction.
Sep 25, 2010 6:08pm EDT --
cisco-milwaukee wrote:
All I can say is let’s see what happens in November. I remember 1994 and the changes it brought this country. We prospered. A democrat President and both houses republican. In order to get anything done they had to play nice with each other. I don’t believe in one party dominating the Presidency and the legislative houses. Nothing has ever come good from it.
Sep 25, 2010 6:28pm EDT --
mbaboston wrote:
barbhop, are you really that misinformed or is your statement just hopeful thinking? The Democrats overtook the congress and senate 6 months before the disaster hit. We were already in a financial crisis and the deficit had grown to its current level.
I am not sure if the TARP bailout was the best plan, but from what the experts were saying, it seemed like prudent action. Somehow the worst financial collapse since 1929 was diverted and we hover at 10% unemployment. Not the best result, but not the worst either.
Sep 25, 2010 6:50pm EDT --
kbrum1066 wrote:
Let me see if I have this straight. Obama, who has had everything he has wanted to make the economic recovery occur and has failed miserably, is now an expert telling us that HIS policies will work and everything else will fail.
Last time I looked, the Democrats have had control of the budget and have gotten most of the economic policies they have wanted since 2006 (they had control of Congress in 2006 and control of the Presidency in 2008). I was much better off under Bush than I have been under the Democrat control. While the Republicans have NOT addressed many of the issues I would like to see addressed (such as earmarks, etc.), they still present me with a better option than what I have been presented so far. More importantly, while they will not be able to accomplish much of what they have “promised” (do you really think Obama will allow anything that the Republicans pass?), leaving those currently in power would be worse!
DEMOCRATS PROMISED – transparency (how many deals were made behind closed doors?), that they would post bills to be voted on at least 72 hours before it was voted on the floor (I have yet to see one and in many cases, votes were made with NO WRITTEN BILLS available to read – NO ONE SHOULD HAVE VOTED ON ANY OF THESE!!!!), they would reduce the defecit (increasing is NOT the same thing), They would be fiscally responsible (both the stimulus and TARP money have been wasted away. If I get 10 jobs for every million I spend (or fewer in most cases) THIS IS NOT FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE), etc. How about “deeming a bill passed? Yet if the Republicans had done this what would the response have been.
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