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Comments: Republican economic proposals disastrous says Oba(7)

时间:2011-08-24 22:08来源: 作者:admin 点击:
Sep 25, 20107:48pm EDT-- txgadfly wrote: Give me a break! Bush was the biggest spender EVER in the Republican party. The only thing conservative about him was social conservatism. He managed to make

Sep 25, 2010 7:48pm EDT  --  

txgadfly wrote:

Give me a break! Bush was the biggest spender EVER in the Republican party. The only thing conservative about him was social conservatism. He managed to make Clinton look conservative, which took some doing.

Anyone supporting the middle eastern wars and interventions helping Israel cannot be “conservative”. That accounts for the entire Federal deficit!

Sep 25, 2010 10:05pm EDT  --  

pointfish wrote:


*yawn* — pull yer head out, dude —

Unemployment was 4.6% in Jan. 2007 and 7.6% in Jan. 2008, when Obama took office.

Hello? A three percent gain in unemployment during the last year of Bush, just before Obama takes the helm?!!

Can you read, trend set in motion BEFORE Obama??

Unemployment peaked Oct. 2009 at 10.1% and is now at 9.6%

Net increase of two percent, compared to three the year before… Math, anyone? One third BETTER than Bush’s last year!

Also, a reversal of the unemployment spiral set into play during Bush.

Get yer facts together before opening yer mouth.

Sep 25, 2010 11:03pm EDT  --  

schmetterling wrote:

The Republican’s sorely miss their collective power they have enjoyed for so long. They’re nothing more than misfits, in a society that’s been cheated for far to long under Republican leadership. They’ve hi-jacked America with bad policy that has nearly destroyed our country, and broken our citizens. By the way, the States that are suing to repeal Healthcare are all lead by Republican governors. They’re heinous i tell you, heinous!!

Sep 26, 2010 1:20am EDT  --  

Michaelp0429 wrote:

For the thousandth time, Democrats were in control of both branches of Congress (set all laws, all budgets) since January of 2007.

It was on their watch that the economy tanked. It was on their watch that the deficit spiraled out of control. It was they who pushed Fannie and Feddie to loan to ever higher percentages of low income people. Who failed to pay back their loans, defaulted and threw the whole economy into a tailspin.

Bush was a terrible president, but he only had a Republican controlled congress for 4 years, not 8, and durring those 4 years, the economy grew at an exceptional pace.

I say this as someone who was voting Democrat the whole time. Just because I voted for them doesn’t mean I have to revise history to pretend they were any good in office. Or to unfairly blame the Republicans for a mess they did not create.

Sep 26, 2010 2:55am EDT  --  

minkdumink wrote:

There is a reason why people like Beck, limbaugh, and Palin are taken seriously by many americans.Unfortunatly for america and the rest of the world the US population has the combined intelligence of approximately one peanut and they are severely handicapped when it comes to complex mental exercises like remembering who got us into this economic mess. But ask them who is on american idol or dancing with the stars or what Lindsey Lohan did last week and they can rattle it off no problem.Couple that with the fact that they cant see that spending 3 trillion dollars on unwinnable wars has drained the economy and you have a nation as dumb as a box of rocks, and will most likely jump out of the frying pan into the fire, and pull you along with them.Some on here no doubt will need help with the big words.

Sep 26, 2010 10:10am EDT  --  

billyray1976 wrote:

Let’s be honest here for a moment. You may not be a fan of President Obama or a supportor. Frankly I am really not one myself, but from where we were in Jan. 2008 till now is truly remarkable considering what happened in the financial sector. The media likes to have an evenly split American country because it helps their ratings when the country is that way. The Republicans talk a good game, but it’s all BS. They were in charge from 2000-2006 of the white house and congress and dang near tripled the federal deficit. Let’s remember that they doubled it under Reagan as well. You can’t claim to be fiscal conservatives if that is your track record. Whay can’t we just use one measuring stick as Americans. In the words of a true Republican President Dwight Eisenhower, “I have one yardstick and that stick is, IS this good for America??

It makes me wonder to what happened to those Republicans. I would of been one of them most likely. You can help out your neighbor and still be Republican.

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