Asman: Obama "Keeping His Eye On The Wrong Ball." On Fox Business' America's Nightly Scoreboard, host David Asman said, "There is a disaster in Japan, civil war in Libya, and a budget mess in D.C., and President Obama has been criticized for staying on the sidelines, going golfing a lot, and now he is being slammed for filling out his NCAA brackets," adding that Obama is "keeping his eye on the wrong ball." [Fox Business, America's Nightly Scoreboard, 3/15/11]
Huckabee Claims To "Worry" About President Being "So Busy Dealing With The Brackets From The NCAA." From the March 18 edition of Fox Business' The Willis Report:
GERRI WILLIS (host): That's great news on your book. But I have to ask you about this commander-in-chief. He is MIA, right?
MIKE HUCKABEE (host of Fox News' Huckabee): Well, I'm hoping while he's on his trip, he'll take my book and read it because we need a little dose of it. But what I really do worry about is the perception of the American president right now is that he's so busy dealing with the brackets from the NCAA and hosting events at White House and having a bullying conference -- all of which is fine. But I don't know if he knows this, but, you know, we got a real meltdown not only in the nuclear reactors going on in Japan, but we have one going on in the Middle East right now, and a lot of people are being killed by their own government over there.
WILLIS: Libya, Bahrain -- you don't have to look very far to see problems everywhere. Not only does it put the regions in conflict, create huge problems there, but it's also upsetting the economic order.
HUCKABEE: We do have a few little issues as home like gasoline moving up to $3.50 to $4.50 a gallon across the country. That means people aren't going to take vacations. That means tourism is down. There is rippling effect of high fuel prices. Food prices up the highest since 1974. [Fox Business, The Willis Report, 3/18/11 accessed via Nexis]
— S.E.
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When it comes to deploying troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, isn't that Congress's department? I mean, I know that the President can send troops to a hostile area for a minimum of 90 days as an executive order without Congressional approval, but we're talking about stationing more troops back over there again.
I'm pretty sure he did support the Iranian freedom fighters ideologically and vocally, but we aren't going to take military action there, that's a domestic issue that we SHOULDN'T have gotten involved beyond vocal support. Besides, no American really wants to see US troops being sent into Iran, or any other country atm. And that's cause we're already spread thin and tired of being in Iraq and Afghanistan.
And didn't Bush Jr. take time out of his busy schedule that included fighting Terrorism and bringing peace to Iraq and Afghanistan to fill out his NCAA bracket? Golf? Have family time? And tons of vacation time?
Well, that's nothing that anyone who looks at things objectively doesn't already know about.
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GOLDBERG: "There is and I'll tell -- we have rigid ideology masquerading as thoughtful, honest commentary, and I'm getting sick of it."
Oh, reeeeeeeally? Are you, now?
Stay delusional, Bernie.
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I can't tell if that was projection or a Freudian slip.
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It's most likely the Rove strategery...make your own weakness the opponent's. It's babyish and bullying, but that's the GOP...the party of NO IDEAS.
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