One word (plural) fits all the personalities at Fox: pinheads.
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Well, I say good for O'Reilly and better for Goldberg for a moment of honesty. And O'Reilly is not responsible for any Fox programming other than his own program, even though he does defend the network at times. Also, it's no secret that Hannity and O'Reilly really don't like each other much, so maybe this is a little dig at Hannity's program.
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Why weren't these conservatives asking these same questions of Bush, when he was on "holiday" more than some presidents "holidays" combined? I guess Hannity isn't aware of the internet, secure phone lines! They also don't remember Bush on that golf course talking to reporters, then saying "now watch this shot".
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I have said this before, but something very bizarre happened in the past few years that O'Reilly has become one of the most reasonable hosts at Fox News.
By Fox News standards.
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I wonder if Hannity and Kilmeade remember where Bush was when Hurricane Katrina hit?How about he was having pictures taken celebrating John McCain's birthday in Arizona.Selective memories by your fair and balanced.
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