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Amanpour: World welcomes Obama with open arms, demands

时间:2012-05-29 06:03来源: 作者:admin 点击:
A page of history has been turned and a tsunami of goodwill is rumbling across the Atlantic to the Pacific, from pole to pole and across our many cont

By Christiane Amanpour
CNN Chief International Correspondent


NEW YORK (CNN) -- A page of history has been turned and a tsunami of goodwill is rumbling across the Atlantic to the Pacific, from pole to pole and across our many continents.

At the same time, he has to tackle a Rubik's Cube of America's overstretched and fatigued forces, to figure out how to redeploy more to wrest victory from the jaws of defeat in Afghanistan.

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  • And next door in Pakistan, he must devise a strategy to rescue a failing state, bolster democracy and simultaneously crack down on al Qaeda and Taliban militants there.

    Then there's the decades-long Middle East peace process. Most credible observers in the United States and abroad believe there is little chance of achieving actual peace without a solid U.S. return to a peace process between Israel and the Palestinians.

    And what about Iran? Many believe that's Foreign Policy Challenge Number 1A, if not Number 1, because of Iran's nuclear program.

    And then there are the other items in his in-tray, none of which are small matters.

    Obama is being urged to lead on climate change, close down the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba and restore America's position as the world's main defender of human rights, and work through all of this amid the worst global financial crisis in 100 years.

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