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NBC/WSJ: Obama health #s inch up(2)

时间:2011-07-15 23:18来源: 作者:admin 点击:
advertisement advertisement advertisement The GOP Obama himself said if you don't buy healthcare of some kind under the plan then you will have to pay a $1300 penalty. I can't afford healthcare right





Obama himself said if you don't buy healthcare of some kind under the plan then you will have to pay a $1300 penalty.

I can't afford healthcare right now because I'm broke but this $1300 penalty is a great idea.

What if I can't afford the gov health care? What then? I still have a $1300 penalty and now can't keep my lights on.

Thanks President Obama for making sure you look out for the little guy. What would we do without you?

chris, alabama

Another convert to the GOP. Welcome!

- Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:28 PM EDT

Cindy Lugo


imo you are misreading the polls when you assume that the increase in disapproval. re: healthcare reform, means independents are siding with republicans. i'm an Independent and my disapproval, along with many of us, is because he's not fighting for a public option.

We are the first to say we disapprove, unlike the more liberal democrats who still approve of the President.

I don't know if that makes any sense, but there are so many of us that would rather kill the bill than see what amounts to wholesale robbery of the American people.

Forcing everyone to buy into a system that takes 25-30% off the top for exorbitant salaries, advertising, stockholders, campaign contributions and lobbyists is unconscionable.

Again imo, that is the reason for the declining support.

If you want more detailed explanation read the article on my blog about Advocating Against Contituents - it explains why every proposal benefits the Insurance company - not the people.

We are appalled at what is being proposed and promoted by the President. It's absolutelyl not viable and will not lower costs to consumers or % of GDP.


Cindy Lugo

- Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:33 PM EDT

John Smith

So, after spending an entire weekend (more or less) doing interviews, Obama's numbers haven't changed significantly.

Off topic (or maybe on) was a comment Bill Clinton made, trying to interject himself into the health care debate. He mentioned that , Clinton said: "What's driving them is they don't want health care."

Here's a question: When was the last time a government project actually saved money, or came in under projected costs?

- Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:41 PM EDT

Cindy Lugo

If you've stated your case and your knowledge of the American public and the fact that we WANT a public option and Health Care Reform--then why are you on this blog refuting this latest poll? Evidently you are intimidated by the latest poll numbers. If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and quakes like a duck. It's a DUCK!

- Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:46 PM EDT

Mike, Nahsu NH

Are these poll numbers based on people in general, or people that vote? Either way it's looking like people don't trust the government to be involved in their health care, and with good reason. There isn't very much that government does well, and it does nothing for free. Government is not the solution to our problems, it's usually the cause.

- Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:49 PM EDT

Anita, Birmingham, Alabama

Boehner and Graham along with the majority of the Republican Party would like to see the bill killed. Not so. We don't want the bill killed, we want it Amended and cleaned up. The President will not sign a bill that doesn't have what is needed for the people and we are watching closely.

The bill should not be killed, it would be a gift and victory for the Republican Party. The President isn't stupid and I feel that you not giving him credit for having "commom sense". Max's bill stunk, it stunk on purpose. You put out your worse and make it your best.

- Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:53 PM EDT

james, ny

The number who disapprove of Obama's handling of the issue (and to a lesser extent, of those who disapprove of his plan) includes many who are not siding with the right -- and who CERTAINLY don't want nothing done. A lot of those are people who feel the President has been much too solicitous of bipartisan support from people who have never had the slightest intention of being anything but partisan and obstructionist. A lot of them are supporters of a public option, and feel the President has been too lukewarm on it.

The Republicans can clap their hands with glee and delude themselves into thinking they have the numbers on their side, but a lot the numbers absolutely DESPISE Glen Beck and Charles Grassley, and most of that group will come home in the end to Obama and the Democrats. Clearly the shrill anti-Obama movement has peaked. They couldn't get more than 75,000 (which they ludicrously claim was actually two million) to Washington, and that protest was so shrill and odious that it actually helped drive the number of those opposed DOWN. They have used all their artillery already. If you can't kill reform by terrifying people, you can't kill it. Not enough people have been terrified, and a lot of those who were are coming out of it.

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