Up to now Republicans have made Democrats defend four different bills, one of which wasn't even finalized. Soon, Democrats will be able to fewer ideas, and finally, they'll only have to defend (and explain) one bill.
- Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:56 PM EDT
Betty C, IL
But, uh, Sheila B: the GOP has no power. The DEMS are totally in control. You've got no one to blame but the DEMS, should their infighting and fear of future elections get in the way of them passing their agenda. Who does NBC poll for these things, anyway? 37% will blame Republicans?!? Repubs have NO POWER TO STOP THE DEMS, therefore aren't culpable if this thing doesn't pass.
- Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:56 PM EDTDr. F. Milwaukee
Re: Poll Gal
"First read writes: Thirty-nine percent believe Obama's health-care plan is a good idea, which is up three points since August.
39%. That means 61% don't think it's a good idea."
It ALSO says 41% think it is a bad idea.
By your logic, that means 59% think it is a good idea.
You should consider a different moniker - clearly your strong point is NOT polls.
- Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:58 PM EDTJT, Amarillo, TX
Healthcare reform (with or without public options) is a joke. Until we get consumers (patients) conscious about the prices they're charged for services, we're never going to reduce the cost of healthcare.
When you have insurance (whether its from the government or someone else) you have little or no incentive to question an expensive treatment or ask for a cheaper option. I'd even say you have an incentive to get the most expensive options available, because then you feel like you're "getting your money's worth". If you have no incentive to seek lower prices, healthcare providers have no incentive to reduce their costs so they can lower prices to better compete.
Competition... thats what we're missing. Good ol' capitalism.
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