The Ares, the first of the Constellation rockets, will not be ready for use until at least 2015, and the panel predicted that the schedule would slip to 2017. [The New York Times, 9/15/09]
Obama Plan Promotes Manned Spaceflight Through Private Companies. Scientific American reported in February 2010 that Obama's plan would call "on commercial vendors to fly astronauts to orbit." The article further stated that by working with the private sector, NASA "thinks it will actually accelerate efforts to loft astronauts beyond low Earth orbit, the farthest reach of the shuttle":
By scrapping the troubled program -- along with its focus on a moon landing -- and leaning on the private sector, the agency thinks it will actually accelerate efforts to loft astronauts beyond low Earth orbit, the farthest reach of the shuttle. NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver declined to specify a preliminary target for exploration in a teleconference Monday afternoon but mentioned near-Earth asteroids as a potential stepping-stone on the path to ultimately exploring Mars and its moons. She also pointed out that, although the agency will relax its focus on the moon, lunar exploration remains on the table. "We're certainly not canceling our ambitions to explore space," Garver said. "We're canceling Constellation."
Garver tried to put the new approach in context, calling Constellation's stated goal of a moon landing in 2020 "wishful thinking." By stepping back from that unrealistic timeline, she said, the U.S. would be free to undertake more ambitious exploration. "We had lost the moon," Garver said, "and what this program does is give us back the solar system." [Scientific American, 2/1/10]
Obama Called For Manned Missions To Asteroids, Mars. Spaceflight Now reported in April 2010:
President Barack Obama flew to the Kennedy Space Center Thursday to sell his new space policy, a radical change of course for NASA that would cancel the Constellation moon program and shift manned launches to private industry while NASA studies options for future deep space exploration.
For the first time, the president laid out a rough timeline for expeditions beyond low-Earth orbit and even the moon, calling for manned missions to nearby asteroids by the mid 2020s, flights to orbit Mars by the mid 2030s and manned landings shortly after.
Because of earlier funding shortfalls, NASA already was facing a five- to six-year gap between the end of shuttle and the debut of the Ares I rocket being designed as part of the Constellation program. During that interim, the agency will be forced to buy seats on Russian Soyuz rockets to carry U.S. astronauts to and from the space station.
With the proposed cancellation of Constellation and the Ares family of rockets, NASA will rely on private industry to build new rockets and capsules to fill the breach. No such "man-rated" rockets or spacecraft currently exist, but the administration believes the private sector can deliver new hardware in three to five years, first launching cargo capsules to the station and eventually astronauts.
As for deep space exploration, the administration plans to proceed with development of a new heavy lift rocket in 2015 that would take the place of the Constellation program's Ares V to boost future manned spacecraft out of Earth orbit to any one of a variety of deep space targets. Possible destinations include the moon, near-Earth asteroids, the moons of Mars and, eventually, Mars itself. [Spaceflight Now, 4/15/10]
— H.K.D.
Next week Krauthammer column: "Obama's Video Killed the Radio Star"
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Fox is already pushing the lie that the president wants to get rid of incandescent light bulbs. The non-news commentators were praising Marsha Blackburn for introducing a bill to repeal the ban. The problem is that it was GWB who signed the bill in 2007 that calls for the gradual phasing out of incandescent light bulbs, with a few exceptions such as for appliances.
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