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Krauthammer Falsely Claims Obama Killed NASAs Manned Space P(5)

时间:2012-01-15 03:07来源: 作者:admin 点击:
1 And Obama kills little puppies and kittens, too ... Or so some are saying ... Reply Report Abuse by DrMatt2003() 1 Obama causes traffic, rain, and skunky beer Reply Report Abuse by hypocritesRus()


And Obama kills little puppies and kittens, too ... Or so some are saying ...

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    by DrMatt2003 ()


    Obama causes traffic, rain, and skunky beer

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    by hypocritesRus ()


    That's the kind of typically violent rhetoric from the left that causes deadly actions later on. Sure hope no US Senator or Congressman attends an animal shelter event any time soon. Especially the way you are promoting violence to animals by President Obama.

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    by wesley ()


    I like the president's plan for two reasons.

    It cancels and over-budget, been there, done that program...promoting research that takes us on a path very similar to Pres. Kennedy's bold proposal.

    And the recognition of private industry as a better alternative to government in utilizing existing technology.

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    by borealis ()


    Wow! The President cut spending, created new jobs, and bolstered private industry all at the same time. Damn his socialist, anti-business, destroy America agenda!

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    by hypocritesRus ()


    borealis said: The President cut spending, created new jobs, and bolstered private industry all at the same time.

    Government officials are asking to cut government spending by 20% (the amount that it was at BEFORE President Obama took over). What did he cut?

    What new jobs are being created during President Obama's time in office? The unemployment rate is at 9.5% and has gone UP every month since President Obama became the only candidate left to run against. It WAS at 5.5%. Thanks President Obama for creating all those jobs. The additional 4% unemployed really appreciate your diligent work on this matter.

    Bolstered private industry? I hope he doesn't try to bolster the industry I work in.

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    by DrMatt2003 ()


    NASA is socialized space travel and exploration. Teabaggers almost exclusively hate the bloated NASA budget, yet when a Democrat makes any changes to NASA their fake outrage is deafening.

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    by cripto9t709 ()


    The outrage doubles when its a bush policy that's being reversed.

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    by cripto9t709 ()


    Wow my first comment to show. I was getting ready to give up.

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    by internet soldier ()


    About six or seven years ago, Charles Krauthammer wrote a column in favor of ending manned space flights for the forseeable future. Now Charles Krauthammer is apparently attacking Obama for "kill(ing) NASA's manned space program". But then again, no one remembers what a pundit said six or seven years ago anymore.

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    by vgranucci2016 ()
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