I was in disbelief that Bush was talking of returning humans to the Moon. I'm glad Obama canceled it.
I'm not disputing in any way that landing on the Moon was a monumental achievement, but public interest quickly waned in subsequent Moon missions because, basically, we had already been there and done that. Carl Sagan summed it up best when he said (paraphrasing) the Moon is a rock, covered in rocks, and the only thing we have to gain by going back is... more rocks.
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I thought Bush mentioned a manned trip to Mars. Then again, I could be wrong because I couldn't stomach watching the guy speak.
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He did, and he wasn't the first. My understanding is that Kennedy's original idea was to go to Mars, and it was derailed by a lack of technology. We still don't really have sufficient tech to do it. What we perhaps do have, now that we are cranking down our shuttle program, is some money to spend on attaining that technology.
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Krauthammer might have a point about dubious claims of a green economy, but NASA is one of the biggest boondoggles of all time.
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I'm not sure we can call NASA a boondoggle given how much we have all benefited from the technologies the space program helped to develop. Electronics and computers got a big jump forward when integrated circuits were created. We have lighter and stronger materials we use for a variety of things. If you have a cordless power tool you can thank NASA for it.
I think it can be shown that NASA has been an investment that has paid off and then some.
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So, using my cordless electric drill is the result of that investment and I should be glad and thank them? I don't think so, Tim.
NASA had it's time. Now they are stuck in the 60's and can't "invent" anything if that invention struck them in the visor. What have they done for mankind but kill astronauts with silly mistakes even a 4th grader would have thought of preventing: oxygen promotes fire--duhh, o-rings don't seal well in the cold-- duh, foam damages structural integrity-- duhh! What more can NASA give us that they haven't already? Time to close shop and spend that money more wisely. Perhaps feed hungry children in the area of the space centers... maybe even nationally. House the homeless maybe?
What has NASA done to help the homeless and hungry?
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What has NASA done to help the homeless and hungry?
That might be the dumbest serious question I've ever read on here. The fact that you're ignorant of how much our space program has benefited us makes me want to take you even less seriously than before, and that's a real feat.
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Past tense. What are they doing for us lately, that makes them a good investment? Give me 3 good reasons why I should support spending billions at NASA?
Oh, and you completely ignored the question ... going off on some whiney tangent about ignorance.
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