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RACISM Is Partly To Blame For President Obama's FORMER Ratin(2)

时间:2012-03-10 22:02来源: 作者:admin 点击:
I enjoy when there are differences of opinion on here. I dont get mad and dont take any of this serious. Your opinions dont piss me off, neither does Barnbrat, Royal, Stormzoe, that crazy female who

I enjoy when there are differences of opinion on here. I dont get mad and dont take any of this serious. Your opinions dont piss me off, neither does Barnbrat, Royal, Stormzoe, that crazy female who used to come in here a few months ago, kattdaddy, I dont even mind DC. To have this place where everyone agreed with each other would be boring and I enjoy when everyone is here talking crazy. This is some silly little website, were not here to solve world hunger, just talk [EXPLETIVE] and be entertained. I know Im not going to change anyones mind because thats not why people come here. People come here to talk [EXPLETIVE]. And Im fine with that. DC said some funny [EXPLETIVE] about me a few weeks ago, I admit it was funny, I had to show my wife and kids and they all laughed too; because it was funny. I dont take it serious and I come to MTO not for the stories, but for the crazy ass people here.


@ Topic can we please move past the race card already. I know it's an angle ya gotta work but dayum it's getting old already.

I wonder if the white people people that depict Obama's face on a chimpanzee's body, or the watermelon patch on the white house lawn or him with the Muslim attire are doing that because he's half white? Doesn't seem like they care much about him being half white to me. Maybe some people should shout from the mountain tops to the white people, "HEY HE's Half White" so that white people stop putting out that B.S. Seems that most minorities (and some white people KNOW what he is) and other people BELIEVE what they want to.


okay, so all the people who were racists before obl was killed are no longer racists?? hallelujah, now can we move on? on that note, did y'all hear how obambi screwed up the toast to the queen? what a marooon!! we'll file that and not knowing this ain't 2008 under "can you imagine if bush did that"? and the frequent-flyer-in-chief is headed to puerto rico next month.(nice work if you can get it.) i tell you, after watching his teleprompter speech yesterday, i will conclude that he's either over medicated or abusing. take your pick.



i laughed when i read what you said about your wife and kids because i find the stuff hilarious too. this is my guilty pleasure though. my family know what i'm up to but i tell them to "go away." this is for me. lol.



Yeah, this is mine too. But sometimes something hilarious will be said and I will have to show them. I think a few weeks ago great1 called DC "showtunes" and the context in how he said it was hilarious. So it's not really these stories that keep me coming back to this raggedy site, but the people that post.


To hell with the 'queen' and her toast. They didnt invite him to the royal wedding but he's suppose to play the good house negro and come correct with them? I'm happy he signed 2008 in they guest book, he should have tracked mud on the red rug and kicked they puppy while he was at it.



I bet if you, I, or anyone else traced our family tree far enough, we would find a branch or two that extended to Europe, would that makes us biracial too? Because if thats the case then "African-American is a dead end race and "bi-racial" is the correct term most of us should be calling ourselves.

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