Why dont u start a convo instead of throwing out topics like ur doing an interview. Say what's ur take on those issues and maybe more ppl will engage u in conversation
Wow, y'all are going at in here! But I agree with Kn0w what are everyone's thought on repubs trying to end medicare? MTO should have made that the topic! When will the right let go of their hatred for our BLACK president and realize they are voting against their own interests? Hope everyone is doing well!
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Next time use the Google before commenting.
I will say how I feel when a topic actually gets bought up. If you didn't notice, I've already said I how feel about this idiotic topic MTO gave. I gave a new one and I want to know how you all feel about it. Perhaps you should also engage instead of being condescending.
You see I, dagreat1, and Love have all commented on it, but you see others haven't. The room got quiet. Know why? That's because it doesn't have anything to do with Obama. People never pass up a chance to down Obama, but when it comes to actual policies that affect people, they're never around.
This is why MTO posts these silly posts because they know what their readers want, and that's an outlet to vent for/against Obama. They know these people who profess to want to talk politics really only want to talk about Obama.
Anyway, I agree with Greg that the Rebs have possibly over reached with this one. Many people still depend on Medicare and a lot of them are Tea Party members and/or Republican supporters.
Instead of completely phasing the program out in one fell swoop, they should try to phase it out gradually or have an opt in-opt out option. Also put more focus in fixing the fraud. Getting rid of the whole program won't solve the ills caused by the program or the issues before the program started.
You know social security is next. Republicans AND Democrats don't want to pay back all that money they spent on other things and that the people paid into.
Before reading all your comments, I have something to say.
Racism exists and will always exist. But I think "MOST" of us level headed people in here can say that it is a hell of alot better for us than it was for our parents and grandparents.
But seriously, the question should be asked, Is it possible disagree with Obama's policies and not be a racist ??? OF COURSE IT IS MORONS !
Greg, I ask you, Is it possible ? I'm not a racist, I don't have a problem with Obama personally at all. I despise his policies and the direction he's taking this country in my opinion, AND THAT'S IT !
@ Know
I ain't forgot our last exchange. To respond I say I get that you are a real literal guy. I am too, but I also read between the lines. Everything is not always black and white.
Let me cut to the chase and ask you on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being best, how would you describe Obama's relationship with Israel ? If you say anything above a 4 we have a problem......
I don't care what misstatements we're cleared up last week. The Israeli's want nothing to do with Obama and they are biding their time and waiting him out. They are used to having a US president that has their back, and Obama clearly does not. If he wants to treat them like they are the "Obstacle to peace" over there, then he does so to his detriment. Also, he can forget all those big jewish donors like Spielberg etc.
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