The Palestians need to get leaders who care about them more than destroying Israel. That much we can agree on. Hamas needs to go and I don't think they'll be around for long anyway. But I refuse to "write off" a whole group of people. What are you gonna do with them Katt? Kill them? Thro them to the dogs? I won't. I'll support the Palestians who want peace and hope that they remove their bloodthirsty leaders soon.
Congradulations Katt. You've managed to side step the entire original topic. I really don't want to get into a conversation on the Israli-Palestinian conflict. It's a clusterfvck of a situation and an even worse topic to discuss. If you want to continue having a discussion, lets move on to something else please.
All I see is nyggas getting govt handouts and now they are dependent on the govt. How the hell is this helping the poor. I would rather teach a man to fish than give it to him.
okay, i'm back. fyi, greg, privatizing medicare and ending medicare are two entirely different animals. (you need to google that!) and if we do nothing, like the demo'rats are proposing, it WILL end!! did y'all hear bill clinton's private comments to paul ryan? as a typical demo'rat though, he talks out of both sides of his mouth.
Frankly, I think Israel is a source of much of our problems. If the Palestinians accepted Israel, they still wouldn't get their land back. The WikiLeaks memos showed the Israelis were NOT prepared to give that back. Question, why should anyone have to bargain for what is theirs? Israel has broken Geneva Convention rules that say you cannot take land during war and move your people in, which is what they have done. Why should the Palestinians bargain for something that is illegal? It's their land, give it back. Period.
And when you talk about welfare, why should we give them over 3 BILLION a year of our tax dollars? If they want to be a country, then be a country but don't expect to be treated like a welfare case. Now why are you okay with Israeli welfare but not welfare to help your own people?
I know what the difference is, but privatizing Medicare is the first step to ending it. It's always been that way. When Republicans wanted to privatize people's retirement funds and let them manage them, can you imagine the level of devastation that people would have suffered when Wall St collapsed if they have managed their pensions? Whenever a Republican advocates for privatizing, I know it's nothing but some hustle they got going on for business. I aint being fooled. Republicans are nothing but white collar criminals.
sorry. that comment was for knowledge. i often mix you two up.
hmmmm? last time i checked madoff is a demo'rat and obama gets more money from wall street than most politicians. and no republican was advocating putting all social security in the stock market. google that! as part of a diversified portfolio, all young people should put some money in the stock market, as a long term investment. hiding your money under the bed and getting govt. handouts never made anybody rich. the stock market has already recovered most, if not all, of the loss from a few years ago. the same cannot be said about the housing market caused by politicians making policies that put unqualified people in houses and looking the other way when regulations put in place to protect the public, went unenforced.
RACISM??? The man runs around calling himself a mutt and celebrates his Irish heritage. The only people who consider this mulatto dumbazz black people.
"privatizing medicare and ending medicare are two entirely different animals. (you need to google that!)"
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