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RACISM Is Partly To Blame For President Obama's FORMER Ratin(4)

时间:2012-03-10 22:02来源: 作者:admin 点击:
@greg BULL SH!T!!!!!!! bush was called stupid for a lot less. if the drive-by media wasn't covering his @$$, he would have had to resign, a long time ago. i heard the joint press conference between h


BULL SH!T!!!!!!! bush was called stupid for a lot less. if the drive-by media wasn't covering his @$$, he would have had to resign, a long time ago. i heard the joint press conference between him and cameron was downright embarrassing. if he doesn't have a teleprompter, it's all hemming and hawing. he is benefiting from the soft bigotry of low expectations. if he was white, EVERYONE, would be calling him a doofus. many people won't do it 'cause they don't want to be called racist but his scores are on lock down because he's benefited from affirmative action, his whole life. (we know if they were good, he wouldn't hide them) he is the peter principle, personified!!!



DumbCoon comes in here acting all hard, but he's ALWAYS MIA when the real talk is going down, then he creeps in in the middle of the night and starts posting and name-calling. And you know he sitting there lurking because he always shows up at just the right time.


This is boring. All the converstaions have been boring. House Republicans voted to end Medicare. Discuss.



they're giving gingrich a hard time for buying his wife jewelry, with his own money! see the double standard? (full disclosure, i'm no fan of gingrich.)


@Brat - Holla at us when Obama gets on Bush's level.

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Bush was called stupid for A LOT more. Most of what he said/did didn't even make news since it was common knowledge that he was slow-witted. He couldn't even say the word "nuclear." For 8 years he mangles that word and when corrected, he continued mangling it.

If Obama was white and a Republican, he would have it easier. Remember when Bush landed on an aircraft carrier talking about "Mission accomplished" and the Right nutted on themselves over his "toughness?"



you barge in here all high and mighty announcing republicans voted to end medicare. really? and is the sky also falling?



I believe his half million dollar bill jewelry bill is being how can you carry half million dollars of debt on one jewelry bill and talk about the country needs to balance it's budget. It would be interesting to see how much assets he has to see his asset/debt ratio. But I agree with you, it is a non-story IMO. What he chooses to do with his own money is his business.



Kn0w is right, this topic is boring. What about the Republicans voting to end Medicare? We don't have to stick to what MTO tells us to stick to do we?



I'll comment too because this is relevant to what is going on in this country.

The Republicans are trying to do two things, get rid of Obama's healthcare, and phase out Medicare. I think they've overreached now. They knew most of their supporters wanted government cuts to programs, they just didn't realize their supporters didn't want THEIR programs to be cut. The shytt is about to hit the fan for them.



you can't be serious!! bush is stupid because he can't pronounce "nuclear"? how many black people can't pronounce the word "ask." bush is comfortable in his own skin and that's part of his charm and charisma and btw, a lot of media people pronounce nuclear as "nucular." your argument is sooo bogus. no matter how bush mangled the english language, he said what he meant and meant what he said and, more importantly, we all knew what he meant. i dare anybody to listen to obambi for half an hour and know what the he!! he just said. obama cannot pronounce "corpsman" and he's the commander-in-chief. how the fkcu do you defend that!!

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