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RACISM Is Partly To Blame For President Obama's FORMER Ratin(3)

时间:2012-03-10 22:02来源: 作者:admin 点击:
gregnlbc @Canabrothalive I know. Who cares about that old woman. She's one of the richest people in the world and was getting some type of heating benefits to heat her castle. He should have told her



I know. Who cares about that old woman. She's one of the richest people in the world and was getting some type of heating benefits to heat her castle. He should have told her to kiss his ass, but I guess since they're such an important ally he couldn't do that.



I knew I would get your ass out from lurking if I mentioned you. I noticed you commented on a story a few days after everyone had left. Bytch ass coward.

Mutherfvcker, unless you wrote the movie Uptown Saturday Night, you aint invented geechie. The only thing you invented was that thing you do with your mouth on some trick's dyck. Punk bytch.

This was like fishing, I knew if I threw out a lure, your punk hiding ass would show up. Showtunes.


Scary ass bytch. Laid up in the cut reading everyone's postings and too much of a bytch to say anything. Then wait a few days and wanna get the last word in. You a straight bytch. Smelling like the [EXPLETIVE] you are.


I guess you got tired of looking like the bytch you were by having females fight your battle huh? I had to drag your punk ass out kicking and screaming because I knew you were lurking, too much of a bytch to say anything. NWA said it best...You a pussey, protein and pearl tongue type of [EXPLETIVE]. You a straight bytch, just because you dress like a woman don't make you one bytch. Fvcking tranny.


Aint nobody heard shyt from you in weeks, but when I call your name, you bring your ass out of hiding. That's how I know your ass is gay ... because when a REAL MAN calls your sorry ass, you show the [EXPLETIVE] up like the bytch that you are.



BamBam has bussed the flub-n-fukups meter wide open a long time ago



U scurred bitch! STFU! U still bobbing for balls in ur imaginary navy job



I guess DumbCoon got a trick since he aint posting anymore. Don't worry, just a few more and maybe Daddy will let you call it a day and go home. Work hard for that money bytch!



let's face it, he was doing a LOT of cooning. he was smiling non-stop like a cheshire cat! he even brought up his english "relatives" through his mother's side. he may call himself a black man these days but he sure is dusting off his collection of white relatives when it suits him. the great thing about that old lady. she was there before the lot of these sleazy politicians and she'll be there when they're all kicked out of office. i haven't seen a picture yet but i heard michelle trotted out the bling too. how ridiculous! a word of advice, when hosting a dinner for the queen, don't even try to compete with the rocks.



Yeah, he should have ignored them and visited people with someone else. But if he would have done that then people would have been up in arms saying he snubbed another ally. The man can't win.It's a lose-lose situation for him no matter what he does. The funny thing is, another politician would have gotten a pass for what they come down on Obama for.

This is what I'm talking about with Michelle and her jewelry. Who said she was trying to compete? At a formal dinner she wanted to wear some nice jewels, but you "heard" she trotted out the bling. See, they can't win.


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